Dif-Tech Disinfecting System

Medical Grade Electrostatic Disinfecting Spraying

Investing in a Dif-Tech spray for your facility during the COVID-19 or flu season offers a significant advantage by ensuring thorough and efficient disinfection.

The Dif-Tech technology enables the spray to evenly coat surfaces, including hard-to-reach areas, providing comprehensive coverage and reducing the risk of virus transmission.

With Dif-Tech disinfecting spray, you can achieve a higher level of cleanliness and hygiene, giving peace of mind to employees, customers, and visitors. By effectively targeting pathogens, it helps create a safer environment, mitigating the potential spread of COVID-19 and flu symptoms.

The convenience and time-saving benefits of Dif-Tech sprays make them a valuable asset for facilities. Their quick application and drying time allow for more frequent disinfection cycles, enhancing the overall cleanliness and hygiene standards of your space and minimizing any disruption to daily operations.

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